Sports Nutrition

SSE #147 Vitamin D Measurement & Supplementation: What, When, Why & How?

Graeme L. Close

SSE #137 Endurance Exercise and Antioxidant Supplementation: Sense or Nonsense? - Part 1

Scott K. Powers and Kurt J. Sollanek

SSE #130: Supplements for Consideration in Football

James P. Morton

SSE #124: Buffers and Their Role in the Nutritional Preparation of Athletes

Andrew M. Jones

SSE #110: Dietary Nitrate: The New Magic Bullet?

Andrew M. Jones, PhD

Vitamin D supplementation during exercise training does not alter inflammatory biomarkers in overweight and obese subjects.

Carrillo AE, Flynn MG, Pinkston C, Markofski MM, Jiang Y, Donkin SS, Teegarden D.

A-Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance--part 26.

Burd NA, Jeukendrup A, Reid MB, Burke LM, Stear SJ, Castell LM.

Effect of astaxanthin on cycling time trial performance.

Earnest CP, Lupo M, White KM, Church TS.

Fat burners: nutrition supplements that increase fat metabolism.

Jeukendrup AE, Randell R.

Seven days of oral taurine supplementation does not increase muscle taurine content or alter substrate metabolism during prolonged exercise in humans.

Galloway SD, Talanian JL, Shoveler AK, Heigenhauser GJ, Spriet LL.

The effects of creatine and whey protein supplementation on body composition in men aged 48 to 72 years during resistance training.

Eliot KA, Knehans AW, Bemben DA, Witten MS, Carter J, Bemben MG.

SSE #96: Herbs and Athletes

Susan Kundrat, MS, RD, LDN

SSE #94: Creatine, Carbs, and Fluids: How Important in Soccer Nutrition?

Donald T. Kirkendall, Ph.D., FACSM

SSE #91: Scientifically Debatable: Is Creatine Worth Its Weight

Eric S. Rawson, Ph.D., Priscilla M. Clarkson, Ph.D.

SSE #61: Carbohydrates, Branched-Chain Amino Acids and Endurance: The Central Fatigue Hypothesis

J. Mark Davis, Ph.D.

SSE #60: Caffeine and Exercise Performance

Terry E. Graham, Ph.D. and Lawrence L. Spriet, Ph.D.

Carbohydrates, branched chain amino acids, and endurance: the central fatigue hypothesis.

Davis JM.

Physiological and performance responses to nicotine-acid ingestion during exercise.

Murray R, Bartoli WP, Eddy DE, Horn MK.